Lo’ o'er po' peons earning for eons, paid low, the subsistence of wickedness. In time evil's entirety teeters -tips for its' infamy to tortures infinitely lasting. Almighty Love lets lawbreakers make laws, gave reason for 'em to pause their pawing (thieving) of brotherly labor: to reflect and find reason is telling these heathens their guilty souls sold to Mammon’s maw are marred. With awe then repentance, fearing their fierce sentence oppressors' torment is turned tidily away. Now the provision superfluous allows such abuses and Love in His patience gives bold men the day. Yet coming/dawning the fall fawned over vere what the Lord gave is taken away. Tomorrow is laid the whip-holders in graves; "blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth". Between when e how, hours whirled in wrath reaped, hellish as gehenna. As the wicked were spared by the righteous among it will become casual that Father's conquering son is undoer of systems Satanic: brilliant anger shown cursed living men. Wholly is the Earth consumed the holy with abominable. Praise God above! Love! Jesus judges the length of man's trouble.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Better a mother than a laborer
Bear with me; disparate elements come together nicely.
American children go to schools under the pretense we will one day be able to perform a job better or have a preferred career.
In the course of pregnancy a mother is burdened by nausea, additional weight, swelling feet and contractions. A baby relies on his mother's milk for food a time. Because a mother's body carries and nurses her child she is better suited than the babe's father to keep watch over their offspring. During her pregnancy and subsequent recovery (regaining lost health) a mother is worse suited for farming or other forms of toil than her husband. Unhindered by pregnancy or a suckling baby he is better suited to perform labors so his wife has the food, pillows, and whatever else she needs to maintain her and the baby's health.
A woman who becomes a mother will be handicapped in exertions because of her pregnancy and the care her baby requires of her. A woman who has prepared for years to have some occupation will waste her preparation if she is incapacitated by motherhood so that her work is caused to cease. Therein: incentive against starting a family. Yet the life of a man is worth more than works and descendants can honor their parents more than parent's own hands. It is better for a woman to be prepared for motherhood (more prosperous than career) than for her to be prepared for labor.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Since God came down and confused man's speech we have been unable to understand each other without error. There will never be a one-world language by man's efforts. Language usage keeps fracturing down the ages. By connecting men's thought-machines (computers) the internet let us better show our neighbors +/ over a wider distance our minds. Yet this new method of connection makes no difference to preferences men have concerning what they think about and who they connect with so that overall connection is unaffected. Instead of knowing the guy down the block you know the guy in San Fran whose into the same whatever.
There're some traits of net-communication that have prompted some derivations:
1) Writing being dominant over talking. The writer's intonation is not in his words so he relies on crude facial representations ;) to convey some sense of mood. When men write to one another simultaneously they are unable to see each other's faces to know when someone else is about to communicate (though google chat helps this some with "_____ is typing"). It takes much less time to read than it does to type so the wait for longer messages to be sent is frustrating. Therefore messages tend toward brevity.
2) Writing is done with a keyboard. Unable to freehand (without a tablet and some app....) typers must rely on the symbols of the keyboard to augment their words. Thus l33tsp34k.
3) Availability versus committal. Internet users with broadband or better have more thoughts than we care about accessible in seconds. What keeps us on any single subject is sheer will. Like a man flipping through tv channels or iPod user who doesn't let a song complete we often succumb to desires for what we are interested but not currently engaged in. Consideration lasts for only a few sentences of thought. Hence, "that rocked!" comments on 8 minute movies.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
What it is, jive Turkey
Art is the bracket in which are contained works rendered so well they're glorious. The criteria for entry into that bracket is inherent sensory input and spiritual implications. A work may be art because it meets requirements of the flesh (it pleases a sense or senses to a degree only possible for a synthetic rendered with great skill) or the spirit (the work provokes an idea in such a way that the method of deduction is exceptionally beautiful).
Work, however hard, does not become art because of the performance's difficulty or distinctness. Work that's wrought crudely according to sensory perception so questions are raised about art's nature is not by those traits merited so that it may be called art. Old age does not make a work better. Popularity does not make a work worse. The medium an idea is incarnated in has no bearing on its' artiness :)
Though men disagree there is true art.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Turn up this mic
Three things do I deduce doubtless:
1. I exist (whatever I am something exists which questions)
2. God exists (I had a start so I owe my existence to something else, something must exist which owes its' existence to nothing else)
3. Something else exist (however wrong I may be in my beliefs pertaining to this thing there is something I interact with not myself nor God)
In thinking well of the things I perceive, enjoying my interaction, I better infuse myself with that/those thing/s which is good in the pleasure it gives. Yet the other thing is transitional like myself so it is lesser to God. Therefore, my best, surest, greatest pursuit is (connection with)/(excitement over)/(love of) God.
If you want some things more mundane to consider, here you are:
By Smellybug of ConceptArt.org
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 9:18 AM Labels: art, baby, carriage, epistomology, first, for class, god, images, mantra, maxim, monetary economics, monster, philosophy, politics, ron paul, theology, thought, wrong