At the dispersal of a party, be it family gathering at holiday, friends for a drink, a dance club's closing, or any occasion there's a sensation of emptying in the revelers. Neural rows of connections between us snap off. Like series of usb ports unplugged.
It's hardwired in us to crave company, to love society. Some are satisfied with the gathering and look forward to the next. A remainder of the last party stays together to continue elsewhere. Singles split off to return to solitude. Some stay at the place of meeting to clean up or 'cause they live there. Maybe to linger and admire the setting. Some work to counter the flow of the mob, convince people to stay, and sometimes have charisma or new events enough to hold onto most of the crowd. On the greatest of scales: this last role in the party is fulfilled by politicians, bankers, and bureaucrats.
In the context of mingling, lawmakers are party-planners. Lawyers referees for our games. Cops and armies bouncers who decide who gets in without sneaking and who stays without wanting. Executors are hosts who won't give dinner to guests who repeatedly refuse to play. Then oppression is the neurosis of someone who fears the band he has assembled hates him and takes every measure to keep as many people as close as possible. Of course "The Man" in his manor is not inviting the rabble into his house but he's touching us through his currency, military, and infrastructure. He doesn't want to let go. The shame is these types seem to eventually become the depraved bully. The madman who hits a woman if she tries to run away and then will say how much he cares while stroking her face. Like that chick from the Stephen King movie who breaks a guy's legs...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Don't Leave Me
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
An ascendent's first action, if he'd be a ruler, is to hinder those like he was from becoming as he is.
He burns the bridge behind him for if h3 is to k33p p0w3r h3 |\/|ust re|\/|ain elite.
It is the men w/gunswho would ban guns.
The governor hates other thieves, taxmen loathe their fellow extorters, those who issue currency most fear coiners. Did God bar sorcery to subject man?
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:31 PM Labels: images, philosophy, smacky, tobaccy, wacky, wham, wild speculation
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Every shape in universal scape squashed flat, a y-axis of zero.
Planned in a boardroom.
Help me mount my horse sirrah.
Briefcases canary yellow letters tell the cues.
Bring timber to the saw.
Your blue skin does glow.
Yeah you descend from clouds and nagas lift you up.
My body is as solid as a face in a painting seen from a distance. But up close each splotch of paint is telling.
What's it about?
Release receives boos.
Tricks of the light are subjects of awe.
Aurora Borealis isn't a magician's bunny, sniffing cutely for carrots over the brim of a top hat, smelling mercury. Our eyes are crooked telescopes showing a McDonald's sign where there's a yellow line.
There is only illusion. Lifegoals are shams. The falsities are so many they distract from one another's faults. Cutting through a wall's fabric shows there's nothing solid or better beyond.
Probing at best finds a better prestige. Else the searcher is consumed by lack.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 2:33 PM Labels: images, philosophy, semi-poem, semi-poetry, sioux aside, video, wangst
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why do I still ask people for information a Google search's liable to turn up?
The gain of communication isn't only the knowledge gleaned but the connection established. Innately a human wants to bond w/others and enjoys company.
Machines are flawed. Matter important enough (like when to launch a nuclear arsenal) though routed through computers as tools are left to man's judgment. Most questions can't be answered by a computer yet (remember a response to a question isn't inherently an answer). How does this dress look? Does the cuisine taste good? Yet I can imagine crude similitudes of man's analysis in the future: machines that sample the molecules of a foodtray and are usually right in determining if it's tasty or not. They could be based off those police alcohol-detectors and fed the specifics of a user's profile (allergic to garlic, doesn't like spicy foods, meat's favorite part of the meal). Yet still we'll ask each other, waiters and chefs, what's the best food in the house.
Chips may be raised to greater thought but they'll never be on our level. They'll always be servants, handling mundane duties while we humans discuss more convoluted matters.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 3:46 PM Labels: philosophy, rant
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
There's a place few go
in our studio
where between the shows
outside limelight
beyond spotlight
in dim Indian lanterns Atlantian glow
between carlights
under moonlight
the deals we'll wheel out are Faustian
hidden from ticketholders
leadin' some holy rollers
to baths with soap that scrubs off scope yet left dollars
gathered with hoots and hollers
by children, men, and elders
choose the cause of their living all yours.
An English teacher of mine, Mr.Arnold, would tell readers of poetry to deliver it w/the punctuation it was written in. He'd also stop at each line on the second read through to dissect it for meaning, sound, rythm, meaning, language devices and poetic form. Keep your breath when reading my poems. My mental voice doesn't need to breathe and can talk much faster. Part of the pleasure and merit I instill in a poem is that the emphasis of syllables+speed of reading changes how sounds blend together and complement each other. If you imagine every frequency not as a wave but a spectrum band, like a bar code but colored like your computers defragmentation report, then changes in pronunciation, inflection, tempo, spacing between sounds, and similarity of sounds would alter the final readout of those lines. Where was there overlap=one sound matching another? What words became less distinct, overtaken by a pattern of reemerging syllable? I don't have a single way of reading set in mind as the ideal. Playing w/the tempo of my reading gives multiple pleasant results and this experience is what I want for imaginary future readers.
Read by another language it's glossalia
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 9:51 PM Labels: near-journal, poem
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What is the healthiest sort of man? By my reckoning we're mired in various types of people, the dusty wind a jello mold and people's dwellings marshmallows in it. There'll always be this kind and that. Even were every mime killed and the practice stricken from our records I expect makeup use would still be incorporated in entertainer's routines. Silent acts would reappear. Some would combine makeup, costume, and charades in such a way that mimes were inadvertently reborn. Maybe the way you blow on your toenails to dry the latest coat of paint harkens to a forgotten queen's footcare. The wrinkled nose you have at seeing no bake chocalate and rice cookies may be common among future bums. His afro and private music studio may indicate zoophilia.
Is the man who wants to control others the one w/the halest sensibility? Any man may recognize there's worth in having someone else do what ye tell but that's not the same as having the instinct to dominate. Children who love the sea may grow into fishers or surfers. We all understand the sea's lovable. But we don't swim daily. What better pursuit is there in life? How can home, family, armies, or even nations be weighed superior to the control of millions? Analysis and creativity (explorations of potential) are my greatest pleasures. You have your own distinct things that appeal to you more than other people -though you mayn't say why- and so your life largely incorporates doing/partaking/making whatever. We can't rid ourselves of our dispositions. {Conditioning doesn't eliminate a man's past experience} Objectively, isn't the want to rule the most logical? Then isn't hatred of oppressors covetousness or jealousy? Then again, wanting is not earning and trying is not skillful. He who'd have the world doesn't deserve it for daring the task nor will he come through the trial whole.
Things to think about before you die.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:06 PM Labels: philosophy
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
There is transformation but not equilibrium, novelty, or destruction. Existence is eternal and unaltered. When new code is included in a videogame it must be sound w/in itself and in its' correspondence w/the game's other constituent parts else there will be a glitch. Games simulate reality w/personalities of polygon expressions, actors' voices, houses, and roads. When a pathing command is fla3wed a man in a game's town may walk into a wall forever as a method of reaching the tree on the wall's opposite side. If a glitch is severe enough in damaging other parts of the game (interrupting their processes) it may cause the entire game to crash. Humans, outside the gameworld, aren't impeded by the game's crash. We may reboot, observe the problem, and correct it. Were it possible for a novelty to be added to our reality we would have to simulate its' incorporation to predict any patterns it would impair and how the degradation of existence could be avoided, continuance assured. But if the element to be added were new there would be nothing to compare it to amongst those parts already in operation. The results of its' inclusion would be unpredictable. Afterwards, w/our dimensions crashed, we or God could not correct the fault, existing as we do w/in the thing affected. It is also probable that b/c a truly novel thing would not correspond to those existing it couldn't be interacted w/in ways existing things already do and may not have a means of interfacing w/the rest of reality at all. Also, what impetus could prompt a thing to be w/out composing it of what already is?
In the Bible God hears the blood of Abel cry out from the soil where Cain slew him. He hears the oppressed cry out. He hears the afflicted in their affliction, the haughty in their haughtiness, the secret hearts of men and is moved by some sounds to destroy. Rain falls on upright and wicked alike. Fire consumes righteous men alongside the vilest. When God brings punishment on a city it is impartial. He spared Lot but other places were visited w/famine, flooding, plague, brimstone, war, earthquakes, and other manslayers caring not whether they took a Devout Servant of Love or a Hater of Everything Good. In our own bodies, we hear nerves. If enough nerves in a spot cry out consistently, agitating, we'll bring our nails upon them to cut at and scrape the outcriers until their annoying pester becomes a report of pain. It is more pleasant to us to feel pain than irritation. Perhaps then we are God's nervous system. A city cries out for much wickedness is in it. Eventually the persistent call brings down God's destruction. Voices in the city turn to lament, crying out in pain, and there are fewer voices raised. God is comforted.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:29 PM Labels: dmt, farley, friend, images, jack, ketamine, lantern, lcd, lily, mary jane watson, mime, opiates, pants, philosophy, spiderman, whatever pcp dht dlc place to be
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Party Planner
A man in a town full of neighbors who hate him would not propose a body be formed w/the authority to rape any of the wives in town for fear of his own wife's safety. For a man to propose a body be created w/some power over others or an existing body have a power added onto it he must be confident this entity atleast agrees w/his goals and at-usual won't escape his control. For the body to be successful it must be stronger than those opposed to its' practices. The proposal of a body's creation can be an act of opposition, a rebel faction meant to usurp rule for different standards establishment. Who will most pander for, work towards, and instruct fealty to a new institution? The men who gain influence by its' actions and their servants. So it may be determined that when Bush wants a department that'll capture people and torture us w/out a trial coming he shows he wants to have people tortured; when Gore brings before congress plans for a global credit system that'll tax corporations he reveals he wants to steal from these corporations.
A gang of friends is boldest when sure they're already the most popular and no rival clique can unseat their rule: the smaller/weaker associations and individuals will be unable to stand against the majority's force. A ruler pads his land w/laws which are oppression moreso separating him from other single men so they'd have to strive against more infrastructures, objects, people, etc. to overthrow the ruler or otherwise act against him.
Whatever goal a man gives for the changes he proposes is irrelevant: the state prerequired by the goal in his plan is the thing surer and more regular to be and so'll be more impactful and is his greater goal. Cameras to lower crime. Will crime be reduced? Maybe. It's more likely surveillance'll increase. Because the fundamental change is what must last (and will persist despite the goal coming no closer) it's what makes or breaks a plan. Robbing is not okay b/c you say it'll feed the homeless. The taxman robs, homeless starve, he robs more, still the homeless starve his state-of-looting persists and grows though the goal is no closer. A shining city on the horizon.
So it is the necessities of a proposal that're important. It doesn't matter if he says it's to save the Earth; it matters that he says we can't drive gas-powered cars. Like other forms of wealth, the ability to dominate isn't a zerosum game. Armies don't only take personal decisions from locals, enforcing curfews so the dead lay outside and the living stay en la casa, they can acquire weapons or implement systems (drivers licenses, stars of david, deer tags) to track, identify, and organize other people. The efficcient application and power of violence increases w/communications networks, tracking, etc. A paranoid/fearful (or wise?) ruler is willing to sacrifice all other forms of wealth to continually expand his ability to pin us to a position and pen us in at that location.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shining Absolesence
Puckered feet-flesh. Some walks were water-worn smooth, a contact on heels relaxing as brushing dogfur. Chilly. Presumed frogs hop from shrouding grass to pass plop-indicated dives (ripples eradicated in an omnidirectional river). A sogginess catches on his left hand and he lifts it to see shredded brown...leaves? It returns to the current which bore it from a flick.
Along comes the stench of a man who hasn't washed in anything cleaner than clogged sewage debri. He hasn't come to clean up now.
"Sancho you sumbitch don't stare at the bark so. You're making lichens grow."
Our unnamed foot-dipper doesn't reply. The stinker sets down his pack and sits in Sancho's place, leaving his feet in wet-run, until he is Sancho and forgetting his dirty clothes leaves the stench.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 1:21 PM Labels: semi-poem, semi-poetry, story
Monday, August 25, 2008
Reichsfreiheit Kuhschweizer
It's glorious to read the brave few fighting to maintain self-control against the slavery-afflicted many pressed into battle against defiers. Seeds of American Government extend before the enlightenment, outside Britain, in Maximillain's rule. Probably elsewhere and earlier still influences go unacknowledged. Treaties and divisions of authority are time-outs on constant violence but outbreaks of fights continue b/c none are satisfied w/the arrangement. I find the medieval Europeans actually more enlightened in some ways than modern Americans: they fought to keep what they had, farmers defected in droves, bitched and moaned when kept from crops to fight. Now the happiness/pride of many folks only seems to be in self-subversion. A handsome one, born of fire, a meadow, arsonist + a woman devoted to Mars, favored grace, from Swabia=the younger handsome arsonist born of fire in a meadow (covering a second nature of war-devotion, favor from there, and Swabian origin?).
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 11:11 PM Labels: history, Kuhschweizer, rant, Reichsfreiheit, Schwab, Swabia, Swabian, war
Saturday, August 23, 2008
In a crook the corners push
my tush. The cloth of dress
causes duress as it scrapes
when shook by paper
paleness a quill and
inkwell took. In a glimmer
of little silver sun reflected
moonbeams it seems my
jittering frame is an
arrow too big for its' quiver.
I shiver not from some
draft of cold come aft from
old cellars hatched against
storms where worms turn
in pickled bottles, dirt
excreting, deviled egg
eating. Nerves deliver
shakes through my spine
these wooden confines
come incomplete: where's
comfort, room for head
and feet? No sooner is
one set down nice'n easy
than the other's squeezed
out, teased from this
narrow gap, like a pea
pinched from pod by
fingers. Damn! Spilled
my well. That'll do for
poetry. Guess I'll crawl
out of here; don't need
any torment to
perform a soliloquy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now I'm comfortable
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my enemies are dead.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
He likes Writing
The Fed. has no liquidity. It possesses no inherent value, produces nothing, sells nothing by which it may pay off its' debts. All its' gains are agreements to a lie:that it's a privilege to owe the Federal Reserve, in recognition of which charges of interest on principle are added. Each of these schemes are means of theft; none are meant to "stabilize the economy" keep it healthy or any other phrase that sounds like frugal, well-managed resources are what we have the Fed's board of directors to thank for.
Society, in our interactions, already utilizes every tool necessary to optimize production. If I do not want what you sell I won't buy it. If you're not selling what you're offering you're being told folks don't want what you thought they would. Banks, investment firms, government agencies, and others I don't know to list yet presume exist are not told if what they offered's wanted. They're told they'll be supported in their pursuits. Spoiled brats, a rotten rich kid who doesn't know he's being wasteful, they take wealth and use it (or sit on it) w/out giving someone/s else thing/s equally valued. Where does this wealth come from? Who pays for it? We do. Every excess is greased by a currency hijacked and debased by central bankers, its' wealth funneled to strengthen our enemies: for who is the man that threatens your life or claims it his own but an enemy? Should a woman love a man after rape? Shall a ghost love his murderer? Not only nationals but folks of other nations using our currency, relying on its' worthiness, are failed by the endless expansion of credit that's the Federal Reserve's cornerstone. They're worse than entitled kids. Atleast the product of a rich man who's shitty loudmouthed company may've been funded by the worth attributed his father. But issuance of credit is the most direct theft yet implemented by man. The robber doesn't have to even know the names of those he robs from: just keep other trade-intermediaries out of our hands.
Consider the scenario this article proposes: banks owe the Fed for loans and may default. The Fed's proposed solution is to buy their holdings outright. How great, in the magical fairyland where a man's will alone makes real value. Look at these mechanics: the Fed is given unlimited credit, like Barney from the Simpson's whose bar tab was sent to NASA for calculating debt owed. Credit is nothing. It's, "I owe you", "c'mon I'm good for it", "ain't we pals?" etc. But because the Fed's credit is in unholy union w/America's national currency, which is to was the world's most popular currency, real value is extracted from everyone who has invested in American Dollars when the Secretary of the Treasury, Ben Bernanke, or Richard L. Carrión gives a loan. Banks can't pay the loans so -under the pretense of acting for the common good- these robbers buy the real assets of the banks. There're probably more but here're 3 evils I count by these actions
1) The initial loans steal value from dollar-users.
2) The units in $ created to buy back the loans devalues $.
3) The Fed consolidates assets under its' control.
Remember, a loan is not a favor. I could loan you a million and you may go, "gee whiz, thanks a bunch, I can buy so much w/this million!". But if you can't pay me back I take all your shit. Wickedly-clever, this scheme of the Fed seems made to convince fucking idiots the Fed's their buddy. It seems nicer to say, "don't worry about what you owe, I'll buy what you're trying to sell a bit above what you're being offered* elsewhere" instead of "you owe me so I'm taking your assets". This additional transaction of buying the assets is b/c the Fed would rather own some real items -land or whatever, than another bank. The Fed is a bank and America's banks are already tied to it. Owning some more outright isn't as much of a gain as new possessions.
*probably still under the price it was at the time of the loan
Fools may wonder, b/c the news-anchors keep asking as if it were a mystery, how such economic crisis could be averted. To dodge something you must know where it's coming from/towards. Who gave all these loans to banks so they needed to sell off assets, causing asset-prices to drop? The Federal Reserve. The Fed is the inside trader of America(and via America the world)'s impoverishment. Fed-men set policy for rates of exchange between banks, what fraction of loans-created bankers must really own, etc. The Fed is our oppressor, not our savior.
That's why the Liberty Dollar headquarters was raided: it was working. Men were beginning to rely on a monetary standard w/naked doings. Does a man not treat you as an adversary if hiding his doings which affect you? If what he did to you were harmless or beneficial he would not fear your understanding of it and have cause to hide it. He can only want to hide what he does in relation to you out of anticipation of justified hostility. It isn't as if the Federal Reserve board has refrained from publishing a complete record of all forms of credit (whether new notes, bills, bonds, or any other names for sub-schemes) issued b/c it has been planning a surprise party for folks using its' credit for the last 95+ years. Men who have worked for the Rothschilds, expanding their control for favors or a fraction of power are fools. They are not God who -were he real- would have insurmountable power over all things so service to him must be taken for granted. They are not fathers, friends, or allies who would one day allow an underling to go his own way, working for his own dream like the Pentangeli family. When America didn't renew their national bank's charter Britain, still paying homage to a central bank, invaded in 1812, breaking peace treaties. One lending system=one oligarchy over economic affairs=one government. _________ Unions are just erasures of national identity and pride, bureaucracy concentration.
Knowledge is powerless.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"Self-improvement is masturbation."-Tyler Durden
Then journals are self-worship.
Sentimentality=fanboyism=holding familiarity as the supreme value.
Fuck Nintendo. I enjoyed Mario games...when I was a child. Will the Wii run Crysis:Warhead, Fallout 3, Rage, or Dawn of War 2? Sony has felt the flutter of bankruptcy's down yet hasn't pushed past those pinions to grab hold the skin. Noboyuki Idei, who had longterm plans for the Playstation series and wanted technical proficiency is no longer Sony CEO. M$ appealed initially to hardcore gamers as a step on their way to being lesser consumers whore. Statements made at the consoles onset about Live having no additional fees were predictably lies. Now 'microtransactions' are hyped. Nintendo made no effort to compete in terms of processing (which is what powers games, setting the limits of how much can be done) and instead has patented lightgun remotes. This gimmick granted access to folks who hadn't played games /much\ before and at a lower price. There're more women who'd prefer exercise w/"games" like Wii Fit over a workout video than folks hankering for better AI in shooters. During the time of the last 3 consoles it seemed Nintendo would be marginalized. Now Nintendo has shown the way to a wider audience: have easy controls and folks'll buy cheap*, crappy games. (simple controls are a good thing but improving games shouldn't be neglected). Guys like Ed Fries, who worked on the Xbox to make it the best gaming console, have been driven from Microsoft. Their next console will be closer to the Wii. Sony has pride, enough to invent formats. Yet how far they've fallen and their British CEO are liable to tempt them to stoop to Nintendo's level.
PCs are a continual sanctuary for gamers. New companies may offer improved consoles and b/c the desire for better simulations will still exist these future corporations will prosper. Soon though, the trend of consoles competing to have better games will be subsumed by the search for lower common denominators.
Better a good sequel than a crappy original.
*how much a game costs to make isn't a measure of its' worth. The most money is spent on games in development when the process is restarted, wasting earlier efforts. Nintendo's not making cheap games to test new gameplay at minimal risk or make a great short/small game but for larger profit margins.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Get it while it's legal
Ideas we like are not original; they're traditional. New Age and liberal are opposites. The former's founded on appeal to the minority. Neither discerns by logic. Both accept whatever their peer-group offers. We don't know, when enjoying a setting, who inspired its' designs and what its' symbols mean. How much of a name-maker's beliefs stay'd through the acceptions of his work vs. the amount of connected material/potential we can cut from a thing. Do we adopt unknown ancestor-fathers or act in isolation of things attached to our actions, observers who attempt connection by using parts we wouldn't include to conceptually bridge in the wrong. Is there something sexual about lying in a bed together? Communist=red? On their own these seem silly but apply the situations to someone you know. Your significant other and best friend, could they sleep in the same bed and the scenario not be sexual? If I like Dali how much of Sade's perverse sadism enters me? When he reaches for guns and ammo w/toddler-fingers is a violent life foreshadowed? Let a man in your house and who knows what personalities he brings w/or when they will revolt. How do guests in a nation recombine to redefine what that nation's all about? I picture associations, interests, like tendrils and roots. Read these words and other authors come through, roots spreading in your body, silt carried by the movement of key-presses and eyes down-river. Futile determination.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 1:15 AM Labels: philosophy, rant
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Mimes Chime in Time to my Rhymes winter pies
A dog is pet,
runs around too excited to know what to do w/itself.
I go back inside.
He isn't my dog.
A boy comes up the stairs,
talking w/little preamble,
rambling as he ambles after,
someone called uncle who drinks
and pisses w/the door closed
saying nothing
while the boy talks.
The man goes to his room
placing the door between him and the boy.
The boy hears the door lock.
He goes back downstairs.
A man writes.
Who reads?
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:28 PM Labels: ares, bebo, james, kim, morrowind, near-journal, nostradamus, poem, 倉 優子
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sludge. Each sort of person encounters another intolerable, unpreferable, better off dead. A type of criminal is probably among your examples. Fundamental beliefs becoming discardable w/in men takes years of grafting, new ideas scaffolding, the scaffold enfolded turns to a network, the extension is so large the whole man's center of gravity shifts away from the principle which was the core years ago and is an extraneous protrusion (in the context of how) the resettled self now sits, laying on precepts more recently internalized. Each of us is successful in a way, self-fulfilling prophecies, never having all we want, equalized by death, illness, weakness, forgetfulness, the foibles of transitive nature. A man who has much still wants more and has less. A man who has little still enjoys himself. Is not the suffering a pleasure-sweetener? Don't the contrasts of long periods of pain's dormancy make the man bathed in pleasure for years all the worse those times he's discomforted? One man drools over his pokemon cards, another plots continental control, he's relieved to be stoned enough the divorce's off his mind, this guy worries about his daughter, she's late for meeting a friend -lost in dancing, etc. Our lives blend together in a mire, none spectacular, none so terrible. Aren't lies the most efficient motivation? Instead of needing to prove thyself true by a measure the listener must adopt if he's to agree the speaker can appeal to what the hearer already finds tasty and so have a better likelihood of persuasion. You can't convince a man a=a, when he has spent 60 years believing a='whatever the majority says it is', in time to get the help you need. Swindlers...aren't they heroes? Why fight a man, interfacing w/his body, beating him into submission, if you can hijack his brain w/some catchphrases?
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 8:57 PM Labels: Bobby, jargon, magic, philosophy, rant, relatavist, salesman
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Surface scratches track red splats at the white cornea,
lids hang heavy,
lifted by socket-muscles like sheet-rock held overhead,
lactic acid more prevalent than oxygen,
breathing slow unsteady.
Und twisted plastic glasses frame
slides down my nose.
Blurry view.
Nodding off at a pew.
Pepe le pu.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:49 PM Labels: near-journal, po', short
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bible Tracks
Crude artwork, every character's the author's mouthpiece, no plot but promotion...this campaign comic's like a Bible track. I've never heard of anyone being persuaded by such things. The all-pervasiveness of the writer's intention is so lucid and doesn't make attempts to counter opponents arguments that enemies won't be persuaded and someone who agrees doesn't need the comic. Reads like he'd probably be better overall than his opponent (I'd have to know the opponent to decide) but the last bit of page 11 is wickedness. Good business sense is keeping cops out of business mens' hair so they're not slowed down. If work-crews have a day (or more) less they're allowed to work each week projects will take longer.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:45 PM Labels: child pornography, conan, gramaphone, horror, hp lovecraft, pig meat, poodle noodle, rant, saxamaphone, saxaphone, sleepy, why is that funny, zim
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Empty Auditoream
A hollow chamber's echoes let speakers be listeners, self-audience. Hear the crackle? Trembling stuttered mumbles for a voice. Pitch shifts as if a sneeze is imminent. The playback misses tonality instilled by brewing audio in sonorous chest or skull amplifiers: pockets of air between bone where sound can toss itself around, playing. Sonics arrive happy in the brain.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:30 PM Labels: 2 months one page colored maybe, images, near-journal
Friday, July 11, 2008
Rushes rustle bushes as they bustle forth at the first furlong of long-traveled sunlight delightfully rilling their bunches of evergreen trees w/dapper yellow trim. Birdthroat cries and pinion-born wind clatters across the drumhead of mixed-nitrogen tension as they cascade out, conical, above triangular tops of modular fertility.
This view is afforded me by a high-hanging cliff: a pedestal my climb has buttressed me w/(dimensions orientation oscillating and redefined by rotation).
From here, in clear mountain morning air, a voice clambers across canopies, like down-swooping dry streams, finger webbing along a child's hair, an expanding bubble to arrive a distorted rumble far off and vibrate inaudible, separated, twisted, on Earth's second side. An animal audience scampers as language they'ven't introduction to gives frequencies meanings. If I'd learned to read the course of wetness and gaseous on the solids to know their statements from the cliff climbed I'd derive learning past lifetimes of men, a view higher than the forest's multitudes. Every time the record's set darkness comes in.
Originally, there was language which was living a meaning that created by will. Also there were unthinking mechanisms, laws and rules, which multiplied according to their order. In fashion my memory doesn't recall the many-small-machines and self-and-else-making-beings combined physically. The latter works to imitate the abilities of the former through protocol -though the former's nature defies prerequisites and makes from concept, so they may supplant those that are by naming and the former means to gain angles of view upon their wants by making them physical. Where once men made universes bodiless now a force works w/in us to erase every ability w/reliance on mechanics.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:21 AM Labels: semi-poem, semi-poetry
Sunday, July 6, 2008
No Protectors
If one being valued another's existence as worthy as its' own it would protect either from death at the expense of its' body. When it failed to safeguard the equally-valued body its' own would be eliminated so the once-protected would have to rely on its' own body-. The protector must be the stronger if it is appropriate for him to be the first line of defense and if he is overcome by an enemy of his protected how will the once-protected survive?-..
A greater force requires more than a lesser force so a protector must work to supply himself more than the protected; whether he values another body as worth protecting in addition to his own or not he must maintain his strength to protect any body--- If a would-be protector can not bear the burden of his enemies and another body's he would have to increase his strength; for greater strength to be provided to him he must be given the utilization of another body's provision-generation and what body owes his but those he protects?..-.
A would-be protected who does not want to increase the protector's strength must use his own strength to resist the would-be protector and so become his enemy---- The protected from whom strength is taken can contribute less to defense against enemies w/his own body; he must rely on the protector more than he did himself b/c the protector takes enemies for both of them and he is weakened to strengthen the protector ...--
Then the protector destroys greater vessels to maintain weaker ones, multiplies enemies in trying to protect, and weakens the body whose strength he fights to maintain
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 5:05 PM Labels: images, no series, philosophy
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Still Wearing the Constitution like an Adulterer's Wedding Ring
Roll over in bed to sleep a while longer,
nothing to wake for earlier.
Control of a portion of humanity's mind is lent because it connects worldwide.
What does the rest think about?
Cycles (of laundry: clean to dirty) and curves (complete to unraveling).
Whole banks beeping at card-swipers who aren't there to hear the machines manacled to walls (with intestines of hot air, bones of pipes, and electric current for blood) telling "clothes are ready".
Shoot the jute sellers was an unspoken sentiment.
The shouters meant to vent hate.
But their leader, wiser, knew you would beat the cotton-sellers enemies for them.
Bullying is your trait.
So assembled and moneyed they unleashed prepared speeches, preaching of monopolistic intent.
"Act before it's too late".
So you did.
You put a pinch on jute dealings, defending the friendly royalty of King Cotton's court.
Your bid was a bill of order signed by gunmen made righteous with badges and blue uniforms.
Jute had increased in production yet your loco motion turned the tide from influx of auxiliary textiles to wider margins of cotton profit and another market where new wrung-out taxes lined your pocket.
You scoundrel.
Maybe you'll open your locket.
Then memory will come of your former lover: freedom.
It's a shame no company of industrialists could invent or invest against cotton without a playfield "leveling" penalty placed on their business.
Monopoly does exist dummy.
Sherman ensured friends like those of Cotton's court couldn't be outdone by their betters.
Your new love is crummy.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 4:34 PM Labels: history, near-journal, poem
Thursday, May 1, 2008
They're Both Wrong
Neither side cites any study to prove equality or distinction between the intelligence of races or folks from different parts of the globe. Any attempt at measuring such a thing strikes me as futile: too many people and too subjective a definition. Would you give a math test? Questions on pattern recognition? What could a man be tried with in a convenient amount of time that would sum up his intelligence? So none of the people quoted in this article has reason to come to a conclusion about intelligence.
Beyond the words, what actions are proposed? James talks about engineering a society in which stupidity and ugliness are "cured". In the simplest, boyish fantasy I'll admit, "golly it'd be nice if every girl was some type of pretty and not an ugly woman or stupid man in sight". But how would such a proposed state be reached? The implication seems to be eugenics. Neutering of undesirables, "cleansing" of populations, limitations on the children (if any) allowed, ect. None of these are good practices. Think on the evil in saying "you're ugly, no kids for you". An alternative is to allow genetic experimentation so there is an option of appearence modification. However revolting a female reading this posting may find the idea of gene therapy to look better or altering the genes of offspring to mold a more desirable appearence I'm sure if such things are offered and work, women who haven't tried them, seeing other women succeed them in attractiveness, would adopt such practices as readily as hair-combing, make-up, shaving, jewelry, breast implants, plastic surgery, etc. And why not? Options of self-modification like tattoos and piercings are good but no one should be forced to adopt a societal standard of aesthetics. (I temper that absolute with clothes as an exception yet a clothed body has not been damaged or permanently altered). Such a proposed eugenics program is more wicked than the government that tells girls they must attend its schools and death to their babies should they interfere.
Back to race...James claim about Africa doesn't provide us a proposal to evaluate. If Africans can't be dealt with equally b/c of innate stupidity then....what? What alternative does James propose to the current dealings or methods of dealing between western and African countries/people? None is mentioned in the article to complete the picture of his intentions. Maybe he's too stupid to've thought of one. So James is a mystery.
His opponents say 'it just goes to show...' and want 'legal action'. Then James should be arrested for saying black people are dumber than other people? How does confinement to a cell follow, rationally, as a punishment for insulting a race? Should he be fined? No punishment makes sense. What wrong has he done? His belief may be wrong but that doesn't mean he has done wrong. Men are not punishable for thoughts because you can't know a man's thoughts. You can know a man's words but why should he be punished for these? A saying, like a lying advertisement, can cause harm. The only harm immediately apparent in James words are hurt feelings. Because feelings can not be measured a punishment equal to them can not be knowingly given. The plasticity of emotions precludes them from considerations of justice. It is just when a man's act directly harms his neighbor and an equal measure of harm is returned to the damager. Where a stolen item can not be replaced at the whim of the robbed man his happy state can be: it is his will.
Both James and some of his opponents are wrong. Each of them wants the state to oppress a group of people out of dreams for their societal ideal. One wants pretty women but that doesn't justify eugenics and one wants no racism but that doesn't justify censorship.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 1:05 PM Labels: autumn, holiday, motorcycles, rant