It's glorious to read the brave few fighting to maintain self-control against the slavery-afflicted many pressed into battle against defiers. Seeds of American Government extend before the enlightenment, outside Britain, in Maximillain's rule. Probably elsewhere and earlier still influences go unacknowledged. Treaties and divisions of authority are time-outs on constant violence but outbreaks of fights continue b/c none are satisfied w/the arrangement. I find the medieval Europeans actually more enlightened in some ways than modern Americans: they fought to keep what they had, farmers defected in droves, bitched and moaned when kept from crops to fight. Now the happiness/pride of many folks only seems to be in self-subversion. A handsome one, born of fire, a meadow, arsonist + a woman devoted to Mars, favored grace, from Swabia=the younger handsome arsonist born of fire in a meadow (covering a second nature of war-devotion, favor from there, and Swabian origin?).
Monday, August 25, 2008
Reichsfreiheit Kuhschweizer
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 11:11 PM Labels: history, Kuhschweizer, rant, Reichsfreiheit, Schwab, Swabia, Swabian, war
Saturday, August 23, 2008
In a crook the corners push
my tush. The cloth of dress
causes duress as it scrapes
when shook by paper
paleness a quill and
inkwell took. In a glimmer
of little silver sun reflected
moonbeams it seems my
jittering frame is an
arrow too big for its' quiver.
I shiver not from some
draft of cold come aft from
old cellars hatched against
storms where worms turn
in pickled bottles, dirt
excreting, deviled egg
eating. Nerves deliver
shakes through my spine
these wooden confines
come incomplete: where's
comfort, room for head
and feet? No sooner is
one set down nice'n easy
than the other's squeezed
out, teased from this
narrow gap, like a pea
pinched from pod by
fingers. Damn! Spilled
my well. That'll do for
poetry. Guess I'll crawl
out of here; don't need
any torment to
perform a soliloquy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now I'm comfortable
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my enemies are dead.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
He likes Writing
The Fed. has no liquidity. It possesses no inherent value, produces nothing, sells nothing by which it may pay off its' debts. All its' gains are agreements to a lie:that it's a privilege to owe the Federal Reserve, in recognition of which charges of interest on principle are added. Each of these schemes are means of theft; none are meant to "stabilize the economy" keep it healthy or any other phrase that sounds like frugal, well-managed resources are what we have the Fed's board of directors to thank for.
Society, in our interactions, already utilizes every tool necessary to optimize production. If I do not want what you sell I won't buy it. If you're not selling what you're offering you're being told folks don't want what you thought they would. Banks, investment firms, government agencies, and others I don't know to list yet presume exist are not told if what they offered's wanted. They're told they'll be supported in their pursuits. Spoiled brats, a rotten rich kid who doesn't know he's being wasteful, they take wealth and use it (or sit on it) w/out giving someone/s else thing/s equally valued. Where does this wealth come from? Who pays for it? We do. Every excess is greased by a currency hijacked and debased by central bankers, its' wealth funneled to strengthen our enemies: for who is the man that threatens your life or claims it his own but an enemy? Should a woman love a man after rape? Shall a ghost love his murderer? Not only nationals but folks of other nations using our currency, relying on its' worthiness, are failed by the endless expansion of credit that's the Federal Reserve's cornerstone. They're worse than entitled kids. Atleast the product of a rich man who's shitty loudmouthed company may've been funded by the worth attributed his father. But issuance of credit is the most direct theft yet implemented by man. The robber doesn't have to even know the names of those he robs from: just keep other trade-intermediaries out of our hands.
Consider the scenario this article proposes: banks owe the Fed for loans and may default. The Fed's proposed solution is to buy their holdings outright. How great, in the magical fairyland where a man's will alone makes real value. Look at these mechanics: the Fed is given unlimited credit, like Barney from the Simpson's whose bar tab was sent to NASA for calculating debt owed. Credit is nothing. It's, "I owe you", "c'mon I'm good for it", "ain't we pals?" etc. But because the Fed's credit is in unholy union w/America's national currency, which is to was the world's most popular currency, real value is extracted from everyone who has invested in American Dollars when the Secretary of the Treasury, Ben Bernanke, or Richard L. Carrión gives a loan. Banks can't pay the loans so -under the pretense of acting for the common good- these robbers buy the real assets of the banks. There're probably more but here're 3 evils I count by these actions
1) The initial loans steal value from dollar-users.
2) The units in $ created to buy back the loans devalues $.
3) The Fed consolidates assets under its' control.
Remember, a loan is not a favor. I could loan you a million and you may go, "gee whiz, thanks a bunch, I can buy so much w/this million!". But if you can't pay me back I take all your shit. Wickedly-clever, this scheme of the Fed seems made to convince fucking idiots the Fed's their buddy. It seems nicer to say, "don't worry about what you owe, I'll buy what you're trying to sell a bit above what you're being offered* elsewhere" instead of "you owe me so I'm taking your assets". This additional transaction of buying the assets is b/c the Fed would rather own some real items -land or whatever, than another bank. The Fed is a bank and America's banks are already tied to it. Owning some more outright isn't as much of a gain as new possessions.
*probably still under the price it was at the time of the loan
Fools may wonder, b/c the news-anchors keep asking as if it were a mystery, how such economic crisis could be averted. To dodge something you must know where it's coming from/towards. Who gave all these loans to banks so they needed to sell off assets, causing asset-prices to drop? The Federal Reserve. The Fed is the inside trader of America(and via America the world)'s impoverishment. Fed-men set policy for rates of exchange between banks, what fraction of loans-created bankers must really own, etc. The Fed is our oppressor, not our savior.
That's why the Liberty Dollar headquarters was raided: it was working. Men were beginning to rely on a monetary standard w/naked doings. Does a man not treat you as an adversary if hiding his doings which affect you? If what he did to you were harmless or beneficial he would not fear your understanding of it and have cause to hide it. He can only want to hide what he does in relation to you out of anticipation of justified hostility. It isn't as if the Federal Reserve board has refrained from publishing a complete record of all forms of credit (whether new notes, bills, bonds, or any other names for sub-schemes) issued b/c it has been planning a surprise party for folks using its' credit for the last 95+ years. Men who have worked for the Rothschilds, expanding their control for favors or a fraction of power are fools. They are not God who -were he real- would have insurmountable power over all things so service to him must be taken for granted. They are not fathers, friends, or allies who would one day allow an underling to go his own way, working for his own dream like the Pentangeli family. When America didn't renew their national bank's charter Britain, still paying homage to a central bank, invaded in 1812, breaking peace treaties. One lending system=one oligarchy over economic affairs=one government. _________ Unions are just erasures of national identity and pride, bureaucracy concentration.
Knowledge is powerless.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
"Self-improvement is masturbation."-Tyler Durden
Then journals are self-worship.
Sentimentality=fanboyism=holding familiarity as the supreme value.
Fuck Nintendo. I enjoyed Mario games...when I was a child. Will the Wii run Crysis:Warhead, Fallout 3, Rage, or Dawn of War 2? Sony has felt the flutter of bankruptcy's down yet hasn't pushed past those pinions to grab hold the skin. Noboyuki Idei, who had longterm plans for the Playstation series and wanted technical proficiency is no longer Sony CEO. M$ appealed initially to hardcore gamers as a step on their way to being lesser consumers whore. Statements made at the consoles onset about Live having no additional fees were predictably lies. Now 'microtransactions' are hyped. Nintendo made no effort to compete in terms of processing (which is what powers games, setting the limits of how much can be done) and instead has patented lightgun remotes. This gimmick granted access to folks who hadn't played games /much\ before and at a lower price. There're more women who'd prefer exercise w/"games" like Wii Fit over a workout video than folks hankering for better AI in shooters. During the time of the last 3 consoles it seemed Nintendo would be marginalized. Now Nintendo has shown the way to a wider audience: have easy controls and folks'll buy cheap*, crappy games. (simple controls are a good thing but improving games shouldn't be neglected). Guys like Ed Fries, who worked on the Xbox to make it the best gaming console, have been driven from Microsoft. Their next console will be closer to the Wii. Sony has pride, enough to invent formats. Yet how far they've fallen and their British CEO are liable to tempt them to stoop to Nintendo's level.
PCs are a continual sanctuary for gamers. New companies may offer improved consoles and b/c the desire for better simulations will still exist these future corporations will prosper. Soon though, the trend of consoles competing to have better games will be subsumed by the search for lower common denominators.
Better a good sequel than a crappy original.
*how much a game costs to make isn't a measure of its' worth. The most money is spent on games in development when the process is restarted, wasting earlier efforts. Nintendo's not making cheap games to test new gameplay at minimal risk or make a great short/small game but for larger profit margins.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Get it while it's legal
Ideas we like are not original; they're traditional. New Age and liberal are opposites. The former's founded on appeal to the minority. Neither discerns by logic. Both accept whatever their peer-group offers. We don't know, when enjoying a setting, who inspired its' designs and what its' symbols mean. How much of a name-maker's beliefs stay'd through the acceptions of his work vs. the amount of connected material/potential we can cut from a thing. Do we adopt unknown ancestor-fathers or act in isolation of things attached to our actions, observers who attempt connection by using parts we wouldn't include to conceptually bridge in the wrong. Is there something sexual about lying in a bed together? Communist=red? On their own these seem silly but apply the situations to someone you know. Your significant other and best friend, could they sleep in the same bed and the scenario not be sexual? If I like Dali how much of Sade's perverse sadism enters me? When he reaches for guns and ammo w/toddler-fingers is a violent life foreshadowed? Let a man in your house and who knows what personalities he brings w/or when they will revolt. How do guests in a nation recombine to redefine what that nation's all about? I picture associations, interests, like tendrils and roots. Read these words and other authors come through, roots spreading in your body, silt carried by the movement of key-presses and eyes down-river. Futile determination.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 1:15 AM Labels: philosophy, rant
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Mimes Chime in Time to my Rhymes winter pies
A dog is pet,
runs around too excited to know what to do w/itself.
I go back inside.
He isn't my dog.
A boy comes up the stairs,
talking w/little preamble,
rambling as he ambles after,
someone called uncle who drinks
and pisses w/the door closed
saying nothing
while the boy talks.
The man goes to his room
placing the door between him and the boy.
The boy hears the door lock.
He goes back downstairs.
A man writes.
Who reads?
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:28 PM Labels: ares, bebo, james, kim, morrowind, near-journal, nostradamus, poem, 倉 優子