There is transformation but not equilibrium, novelty, or destruction. Existence is eternal and unaltered. When new code is included in a videogame it must be sound w/in itself and in its' correspondence w/the game's other constituent parts else there will be a glitch. Games simulate reality w/personalities of polygon expressions, actors' voices, houses, and roads. When a pathing command is fla3wed a man in a game's town may walk into a wall forever as a method of reaching the tree on the wall's opposite side. If a glitch is severe enough in damaging other parts of the game (interrupting their processes) it may cause the entire game to crash. Humans, outside the gameworld, aren't impeded by the game's crash. We may reboot, observe the problem, and correct it. Were it possible for a novelty to be added to our reality we would have to simulate its' incorporation to predict any patterns it would impair and how the degradation of existence could be avoided, continuance assured. But if the element to be added were new there would be nothing to compare it to amongst those parts already in operation. The results of its' inclusion would be unpredictable. Afterwards, w/our dimensions crashed, we or God could not correct the fault, existing as we do w/in the thing affected. It is also probable that b/c a truly novel thing would not correspond to those existing it couldn't be interacted w/in ways existing things already do and may not have a means of interfacing w/the rest of reality at all. Also, what impetus could prompt a thing to be w/out composing it of what already is?
In the Bible God hears the blood of Abel cry out from the soil where Cain slew him. He hears the oppressed cry out. He hears the afflicted in their affliction, the haughty in their haughtiness, the secret hearts of men and is moved by some sounds to destroy. Rain falls on upright and wicked alike. Fire consumes righteous men alongside the vilest. When God brings punishment on a city it is impartial. He spared Lot but other places were visited w/famine, flooding, plague, brimstone, war, earthquakes, and other manslayers caring not whether they took a Devout Servant of Love or a Hater of Everything Good. In our own bodies, we hear nerves. If enough nerves in a spot cry out consistently, agitating, we'll bring our nails upon them to cut at and scrape the outcriers until their annoying pester becomes a report of pain. It is more pleasant to us to feel pain than irritation. Perhaps then we are God's nervous system. A city cries out for much wickedness is in it. Eventually the persistent call brings down God's destruction. Voices in the city turn to lament, crying out in pain, and there are fewer voices raised. God is comforted.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:29 PM Labels: dmt, farley, friend, images, jack, ketamine, lantern, lcd, lily, mary jane watson, mime, opiates, pants, philosophy, spiderman, whatever pcp dht dlc place to be
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Party Planner
A man in a town full of neighbors who hate him would not propose a body be formed w/the authority to rape any of the wives in town for fear of his own wife's safety. For a man to propose a body be created w/some power over others or an existing body have a power added onto it he must be confident this entity atleast agrees w/his goals and at-usual won't escape his control. For the body to be successful it must be stronger than those opposed to its' practices. The proposal of a body's creation can be an act of opposition, a rebel faction meant to usurp rule for different standards establishment. Who will most pander for, work towards, and instruct fealty to a new institution? The men who gain influence by its' actions and their servants. So it may be determined that when Bush wants a department that'll capture people and torture us w/out a trial coming he shows he wants to have people tortured; when Gore brings before congress plans for a global credit system that'll tax corporations he reveals he wants to steal from these corporations.
A gang of friends is boldest when sure they're already the most popular and no rival clique can unseat their rule: the smaller/weaker associations and individuals will be unable to stand against the majority's force. A ruler pads his land w/laws which are oppression moreso separating him from other single men so they'd have to strive against more infrastructures, objects, people, etc. to overthrow the ruler or otherwise act against him.
Whatever goal a man gives for the changes he proposes is irrelevant: the state prerequired by the goal in his plan is the thing surer and more regular to be and so'll be more impactful and is his greater goal. Cameras to lower crime. Will crime be reduced? Maybe. It's more likely surveillance'll increase. Because the fundamental change is what must last (and will persist despite the goal coming no closer) it's what makes or breaks a plan. Robbing is not okay b/c you say it'll feed the homeless. The taxman robs, homeless starve, he robs more, still the homeless starve his state-of-looting persists and grows though the goal is no closer. A shining city on the horizon.
So it is the necessities of a proposal that're important. It doesn't matter if he says it's to save the Earth; it matters that he says we can't drive gas-powered cars. Like other forms of wealth, the ability to dominate isn't a zerosum game. Armies don't only take personal decisions from locals, enforcing curfews so the dead lay outside and the living stay en la casa, they can acquire weapons or implement systems (drivers licenses, stars of david, deer tags) to track, identify, and organize other people. The efficcient application and power of violence increases w/communications networks, tracking, etc. A paranoid/fearful (or wise?) ruler is willing to sacrifice all other forms of wealth to continually expand his ability to pin us to a position and pen us in at that location.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shining Absolesence
Puckered feet-flesh. Some walks were water-worn smooth, a contact on heels relaxing as brushing dogfur. Chilly. Presumed frogs hop from shrouding grass to pass plop-indicated dives (ripples eradicated in an omnidirectional river). A sogginess catches on his left hand and he lifts it to see shredded brown...leaves? It returns to the current which bore it from a flick.
Along comes the stench of a man who hasn't washed in anything cleaner than clogged sewage debri. He hasn't come to clean up now.
"Sancho you sumbitch don't stare at the bark so. You're making lichens grow."
Our unnamed foot-dipper doesn't reply. The stinker sets down his pack and sits in Sancho's place, leaving his feet in wet-run, until he is Sancho and forgetting his dirty clothes leaves the stench.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 1:21 PM Labels: semi-poem, semi-poetry, story