Why do I still ask people for information a Google search's liable to turn up?
The gain of communication isn't only the knowledge gleaned but the connection established. Innately a human wants to bond w/others and enjoys company.
Machines are flawed. Matter important enough (like when to launch a nuclear arsenal) though routed through computers as tools are left to man's judgment. Most questions can't be answered by a computer yet (remember a response to a question isn't inherently an answer). How does this dress look? Does the cuisine taste good? Yet I can imagine crude similitudes of man's analysis in the future: machines that sample the molecules of a foodtray and are usually right in determining if it's tasty or not. They could be based off those police alcohol-detectors and fed the specifics of a user's profile (allergic to garlic, doesn't like spicy foods, meat's favorite part of the meal). Yet still we'll ask each other, waiters and chefs, what's the best food in the house.
Chips may be raised to greater thought but they'll never be on our level. They'll always be servants, handling mundane duties while we humans discuss more convoluted matters.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 3:46 PM Labels: philosophy, rant
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
There's a place few go
in our studio
where between the shows
outside limelight
beyond spotlight
in dim Indian lanterns Atlantian glow
between carlights
under moonlight
the deals we'll wheel out are Faustian
hidden from ticketholders
leadin' some holy rollers
to baths with soap that scrubs off scope yet left dollars
gathered with hoots and hollers
by children, men, and elders
choose the cause of their living all yours.
An English teacher of mine, Mr.Arnold, would tell readers of poetry to deliver it w/the punctuation it was written in. He'd also stop at each line on the second read through to dissect it for meaning, sound, rythm, meaning, language devices and poetic form. Keep your breath when reading my poems. My mental voice doesn't need to breathe and can talk much faster. Part of the pleasure and merit I instill in a poem is that the emphasis of syllables+speed of reading changes how sounds blend together and complement each other. If you imagine every frequency not as a wave but a spectrum band, like a bar code but colored like your computers defragmentation report, then changes in pronunciation, inflection, tempo, spacing between sounds, and similarity of sounds would alter the final readout of those lines. Where was there overlap=one sound matching another? What words became less distinct, overtaken by a pattern of reemerging syllable? I don't have a single way of reading set in mind as the ideal. Playing w/the tempo of my reading gives multiple pleasant results and this experience is what I want for imaginary future readers.
Read by another language it's glossalia
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 9:51 PM Labels: near-journal, poem
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What is the healthiest sort of man? By my reckoning we're mired in various types of people, the dusty wind a jello mold and people's dwellings marshmallows in it. There'll always be this kind and that. Even were every mime killed and the practice stricken from our records I expect makeup use would still be incorporated in entertainer's routines. Silent acts would reappear. Some would combine makeup, costume, and charades in such a way that mimes were inadvertently reborn. Maybe the way you blow on your toenails to dry the latest coat of paint harkens to a forgotten queen's footcare. The wrinkled nose you have at seeing no bake chocalate and rice cookies may be common among future bums. His afro and private music studio may indicate zoophilia.
Is the man who wants to control others the one w/the halest sensibility? Any man may recognize there's worth in having someone else do what ye tell but that's not the same as having the instinct to dominate. Children who love the sea may grow into fishers or surfers. We all understand the sea's lovable. But we don't swim daily. What better pursuit is there in life? How can home, family, armies, or even nations be weighed superior to the control of millions? Analysis and creativity (explorations of potential) are my greatest pleasures. You have your own distinct things that appeal to you more than other people -though you mayn't say why- and so your life largely incorporates doing/partaking/making whatever. We can't rid ourselves of our dispositions. {Conditioning doesn't eliminate a man's past experience} Objectively, isn't the want to rule the most logical? Then isn't hatred of oppressors covetousness or jealousy? Then again, wanting is not earning and trying is not skillful. He who'd have the world doesn't deserve it for daring the task nor will he come through the trial whole.
Things to think about before you die.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:06 PM Labels: philosophy