An ascendent's first action, if he'd be a ruler, is to hinder those like he was from becoming as he is.
He burns the bridge behind him for if h3 is to k33p p0w3r h3 |\/|ust re|\/|ain elite.
It is the men w/gunswho would ban guns.
The governor hates other thieves, taxmen loathe their fellow extorters, those who issue currency most fear coiners. Did God bar sorcery to subject man?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 12:31 PM Labels: images, philosophy, smacky, tobaccy, wacky, wham, wild speculation
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Every shape in universal scape squashed flat, a y-axis of zero.
Planned in a boardroom.
Help me mount my horse sirrah.
Briefcases canary yellow letters tell the cues.
Bring timber to the saw.
Your blue skin does glow.
Yeah you descend from clouds and nagas lift you up.
My body is as solid as a face in a painting seen from a distance. But up close each splotch of paint is telling.
What's it about?
Release receives boos.
Tricks of the light are subjects of awe.
Aurora Borealis isn't a magician's bunny, sniffing cutely for carrots over the brim of a top hat, smelling mercury. Our eyes are crooked telescopes showing a McDonald's sign where there's a yellow line.
There is only illusion. Lifegoals are shams. The falsities are so many they distract from one another's faults. Cutting through a wall's fabric shows there's nothing solid or better beyond.
Probing at best finds a better prestige. Else the searcher is consumed by lack.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 2:33 PM Labels: images, philosophy, semi-poem, semi-poetry, sioux aside, video, wangst