Who opened our slumber-heavy hearts and left us love to keep?
Who raised high his banner, now unfurled, on his castle above the deep?
Where and why the dears disappeared gurgle drowning in our sleep?
What took our lost and left us loss too great to weep?
Wilting eyes bespy dark tides and rest never one peep.
My shy looked-for Sheen of Days sand to sea's surely a tiny leap.
More than I knew want before I desirably want you,
past feelings weak foreshadowings of something new.
Presenters played their trumpets; (horns whispers in your call)
To live without you while about you I'ven't the wherewithal.
I know the cause, knew the monster, my father fought her on this shore.
Yet blackest blame come take me, heavens soon unmake me, I'll be your paramour.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Your Traitor Forever
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Painful as you Take it
Sammy longed for the peace of a razor,
didn't have facial hair,
didn't need a shaver,
felt heaven was cold,
cause it heaped snow on the lowly,
he took a steamy shower,
and split his arms like petals,
they bloomed a vibrant red,
which spread across metals,
ran along the floor,
pooled at the door-jam,
Sam felt December-tired,
he lay in the tub,
he felt cold with lobster skin,
that is the rub,
he ended with the year,
a monster to his children,
seeing their mother: Mildred,
face swollen and red,
as the stained green tiles,
she forces a smile,
for sepsis finished,
what Gillette started.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 3:26 PM Labels: davis jr, freed, god, poem, self-unmade man, sioux aside, spring, step
Friday, December 18, 2009
At the end of a tunnel of light sits a royally fat thin-lidded man.
He's attended by a running train of toiling cat-man servants.
Hidden in the courtroom shadows sit slinky whispering advisers.
By his right side stands a wheel immense beyond visualization.
Vis a his authority he spins yon immeasurable decider.
Marked on its' edges are the lowest living forms.
Circle within circle towards the middle greater bodies are displayed.
From worms to kitten litters and he seated himself dead center the depictions exquisitely exceed the kinds of creatures I'd seen.
Between me and him two tall men in flowing embroidered robes.
Thick gems stretched low their ear lobes.
The one on the right read my best doings.
The sinister reader bared my worst shames.
Oral report done my judgment begun.
Nodding, deciding, he gestured at the towering shining wheel.
Its' movements were so complex if I'd my lifetime again to study it I couldn't describe its' organization.
I was shown my chosen incarnation.
A gaunt figure, skin meatless and tanned over a brittle ribcage, long dirty hair, stomach shallow , egg-shaped eyes bulging beneath their lids (outside sockets), naked with long fingers.
When my study of its' body was complete I was looking at the hairs on my own arm.
Humans passed through me but did no harm.
On a trash heap steaming poo seeped from a rain-half-washed diaper.
I licked my fangs and walked over.
Shit smells bad as ever and tastes worse than I'd imagined but it's all I can eat.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 10:19 AM Labels: afterlife, chinese, deeds, emperor, heaven, hungry ghost, jade, king, kingdom, reincarnation, scrolls, semi-poem, throne
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Que e A
Ask me how I am today.
I am fine.
Ask me how I was just now.
I was lyin.
Asked you where you went last night.
Heard no sound.
Answer me you stupid bitch.
Right now.
He'll ask where I was tonight.
I know why.
I've prepared an answer.
My alibi.
Won't find forensic evidence.
I'm clean.
Mabye I've dirtied my hands.
Been mean.
But exin factors make us what.
We are.
People plainly rudely put.
Cruel beans.
Ask me how I feel right now.
So calm.
Watch my face and see it twitch.
Something's wrong.
Never a good player I.
At cards.
My open intentions read.
Didn't try.
To hide emasculated rage.
Deep sigh.
Ask me how I am today.
Doing time.
Ask me how I was just now.
Doing fine.
Asked her where the hell she'd been.
No reply.
Notify the next of kin.
When she die.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Antediluvian Tinkerer
Beneath these sheaths: twin hoods for headlights
twelve and twenty thousand bacteria merge from fat cells
they're so asexy I can feel their orgy
heat underneath my eyelids
squirmy, squishy, gelatinous membranes
bump and grind across the floor
colonize contacts then come into proximity with me peepers
make me want to sleep
catch atleast forty winks
before they escape to flirtatious eyes
twinkling with burgeoning flirtation.
Fluster, buster make a noise!
Grunt and groan to shit or piss?
Press and sigh with every breath,
what is the meaning of this?
Why not take your ease and
enjoy your life?
Why constant worry, beloved strife?
Struggle, scramble, invent trouble
when none exists distract and doubt
multiply problems within, without.
It is dark and he depressed
fine traits for finding a moment's rest
temporary escape from conscious awareness
we wear moods like a doll her dress.
Posted by
Kould bE aNyone
at 8:46 AM Labels: philosophy, poem