Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Your Traitor Forever

Who opened our slumber-heavy hearts and left us love to keep?
Who raised high his banner, now unfurled, on his castle above the deep?
Where and why the dears disappeared gurgle drowning in our sleep?
What took our lost and left us loss too great to weep?
Wilting eyes bespy dark tides and rest never one peep.
My shy looked-for Sheen of Days sand to sea's surely a tiny leap.

More than I knew want before I desirably want you,
past feelings weak foreshadowings of something new.
Presenters played their trumpets; (horns whispers in your call)
To live without you while about you I'ven't the wherewithal.

I know the cause, knew the monster, my father fought her on this shore.
Yet blackest blame come take me, heavens soon unmake me, I'll be your paramour.

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